Plant Hunters at Gyllyngdune

The Land of Neverbelieve

Today we had a visitor, author Wyl Menmuir, who is working with Class 3 and Class 5 this half term. We also heard from Norman Messenger, an explorer who discovered the island of Neverbelieve, who told us of some of his amazing discoveries. We then received a letter from the National Geographical Society requesting help to discover some new species of plant that had been spotted by a passing Packet Ship.  We set sail this afternoon and travelled to the island. There we found some strange and wonderful plants. We have started to write stories of our adventures.  Keep checking the blog for more news of our discoveries.

All About Leaves

After our visit to Fox Rosehill we sorted the leaves we had collected. Then we tried to mix as many different greens as we could. The next thing we did was to make some textured paper.  The next stage was to make some leaf templates to us to make some wonderful leaves for our display

Open Learning Week

This week class3 have been Learning about  outdoors. Stan found a spider. Lots of us thought about how we could make the bank a fun and safe place to be. We were looking at ways to improve the top playground and make it a fun place to be.

Bloggers Ben P and Harry